That other inspiration

I’ve been inspired…

Wil Wheaton, Richard Smith, and others have made me realize that I’m missing an opportunity here. I should be contributing to this blog more often. It’s been crazy busy here for the past month or so, but I think it’s a reasonable goal to produce an update more regularly. So, I’m going to try to do that.

But the inspiration doesn’t end there. For Wil Wheaton (and others), I am going to stop making the link open in a new window by default and leave it up to the reader…. Left-Click to open in the same window or Right-Click to open in a new tap/window. I dunno, I always thought it was better to have links open in a new window so that you’re not taken away from what you’re reading mid-paragraph, but now that I think about it… it’s probably best to assume the reader is savvy enough to be able to make that happen on their own.  I’m not so sure that’s true about everyone, but you know what? If they don’t know how to do it, it’s not a horrible thing to just hit the “Back” button.  So, that’s the way we’ll go from this point on.

Exciting, huh? But, you know what? It is kind of cool when someone or something makes you reexamine what you think or do. Even if you end up sticking with the original plan, it’s still a significant event. (Let’s keep in mind that there are varying degrees of “significant”… reexamining your wordpress blog settings = minor, reexamining your views on NCLB and the use standardized testing = not so minor)

So, make sure you get out and vote today and be sure to watch this space for a lot more activity in the near future).


Contributed by: Scott Copperman (Guest Author)


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