That other plan to find the E’s that are missing from my br_akfast c_r_al

I’m going to conduct an experiment.

Sometime in the next four days, probably Sunday, I’m going to buy a box (that’d be another box on top of the one I’ve been eating) of Alpha Bits. I’m going to open it up, dump it out, and sort out all the bits by letter. I’ll report my findings back here.

Now, before you cry out “he’s gone mad” or “he’s an idiot” or “this is that stupid Pepperidge Farm Goldfish serving size thing again,” hear me out.

First of all, I was right about the goldfish. There’s no reason why a serving size of one flavor should be 55 goldfish but a serving size of a different flavor should be only 51 crackers. That was a blatant attempt to manipulate the nutritional information on the side of the package. The fact that they don’t do it anymore doesn’t change the fact that they once did – and it was a scam!

But I digress…

If you think I’m nuts, you should know that I’m not the first person to consider the topic worthy of study. Granted, the teachers who participated in that project weren’t as whiny or conspiracy-suspicious as I may seem to be. But, they considered their investigation to be time well spent and an educational experience. So I’ll include my kids in the sorting process, we’ll podcast about it, they’ll learn some math, and it’ll be win-win-win. Then, I’ll share my findings with the good folks at Post/Kraft Foods, and we’ll see where that goes.

It’d help if I wasn’t so busy with other things, but then again… it’s counting cereal. How much of a priority should it really be? It’s going to have to wait – not long though.

I’m sure you’re dying to see what the results are. Check back soon for an update.

(I’m thinking I should’ve kept my original title for this post: That other plan to answer “where in the world are C, A, R, M, N, S, and D, I, E, G, and O ?” Hahahahaha… I can see the eyes rolls of friends from the past at that. Hahaha… *snort* … ha… um… yeah, … maybe it’s best I didn’t use that.)

Contributed by: Scott Copperman (Guest Author)


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