So another season of American Idol is underway.
I’m still not sure how I feel about the new panel of judges. Steven Tyler is very knowledgeable but is too soft. He doesn’t offer much constructive criticism other than to echo what Randy says (sometimes). It’s shocking to see Randy as the tough one, but he definitely is. The mitigating component is that his criticisms are (as they have benn in the past) redundant, limited in scope, and often not necessarily what the general public feels. Jennifer Lopez… well, I don’t really know where to begin. I’d read an article saying she was upset that the show was not focusing enough on her, and now I view nearly everything she does through that filter – so it’s tough form me to be objective. That said, she is too gushy and her standards are too low, in my opinion.
American Idol definitely misses Simon’s voice of the people (as a whole) honesty, and any sort of constructive criticism.
It’s a shame too, because the talent this year DOES seem to be at the top (as a top 10 or so) compared to past seasons.
I was very surprised last week, by the way the wild card selections went. I thought it was odd that the judges offered criticisms to those eliminated which often said “I would have loved to hear you sing a different song” or “I know you’re better than that one performance” and then not give some of those people (Jordan, Tim, and there was at least one other) a chance to perform again.
At this point, I’m not sure I agree with their choices of who to let back in, but we’ll see what happens.
I’m watching this year, but at my own pace. I often DVR the show and watch it at high speed the next day or check online to see what performances, if any, warranted watching more.
If I post about American Idol again, I’ll talk a bit about my issues with the uneven screen time contestants are given – but for now, sit back… relax… and enjoy the show.
Contributed by: Scott Copperman